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Showing posts from January, 2015

Tozeur travel guide

Once you’ve passed the mesmerising landscape of the salt lake Chott el-Jerid, you start getting the glimpse of the enormous palmeraie that shields Tozeur. The salt lake is a snowy-white sheet, stretching for miles. If you step on the crackling surface, the salt sticks to your shoes, and the lake’s water can still be seen underneath. This largest of Tunisia’s salt lakes is dry for 10 months of the year and has a causeway running over it – it’s an extraordinary sight, not to be missed. Tozeur town’s old quarter is a small maze of fascinating and intricate brickwork houses, arches and walls. There’s an ONTT tourist office (450 088; 8am-noon & 3-6pm) located on Ave Abdulkacem Chebbi. Another tourist office is the Syndicat d’Initiative (462 034; Place Bab el-Hawa). There are several banks with ATMs on Ave Habib Bourguiba. There are two Publinets at Ave Farhat Hached (open 24 hours) and at Ave Abdulkacem Chebbi, both charging US$1.50 per hour for internet access. Tozeur was h

Medina (Ouled Hadef) / Ouled el-Hadef

The Ouled el-Hadef quarter is a district of harmonious appearance built entirely out of brick. The façades of the buildings here are decorated with large geometrical motifs which are reminiscent of tattoos and prints on fabric, an effect created by the way the bricks are placed together. The narrow alleyways, heavy doors and columned porches give Tozeur's old pedestrianised district a distinctly medieval atmosphere. This 14th-century medina has a unique, striking architecture of pale brickwork arranged in relief patterns of endless, rhythmic variation; the easiest way in is from Ave de Kairouan. The families living here come outside to socialise come dusk – strolling at this time is quite special. The medina of Tozeur is basically formed by the neighborhood Ouled el-Hadef, the oldest in the city, which has remained virtually unchanged since the 16 century. It is 50 m from [poi = 160381] Central Market [/ poi], along Av Kairouan. Built in the 14 century to house the Hadef clan,